This past week, our school community has grieved the loss of Sister Kathleen Brabson, our school president. We have come together as a community to remember her legacy, her love, and her compassion. One of our favorite stories of her was, every year, while sitting in our chapel, she would tell each and every one of us to look at the ceiling. To look at the many stars painted in chapel. And pick one. Keep it in your head. Your heart. Your soul. That we are forever imprinted in that chapel as our star will be there to represent us.
We feel as though this story is a sign for us. That even in Deep Space, we can look for our star, and know we are home. And look around and see all the stars around us and know we are not alone and our sisterhood will forever stand beside us. With this news, we are also announcing that we will be dedicating this season to the memory of Sister Kathleen. Her love for the education of women, and STEM education is a passion embedded in our team, and encouraged by her support. We know that will her watching over us, no matter our season's outcome, that we are loved and supported by her every step of the way. Spes Messise in Semine, The Hope of the Harvest is in the Seed. With that being said, Sister Kathleen's dedicated to hard work has allowed us to continue on and get back to work as Week 3 has come to a close. So we'll start off with our normal quick roundups! Build: *You will be getting another bulleted list like last week #sorrynotsorry*
Programming Now like always I didn't write this section, but the text conversation that happened between Kate (Head Programmer and President) and I was too great not to include so enjoy: Ellie: "hey k-dawg could you give me a brief overview of what happened in programmy land last week?" Kate: "absolutely e-money: This week, the sophomore and freshmen programming team built a whole electronic board! They wired up a roboRIO, radio, VRM, and a few Talons to get some practice before wiring the electronics 2019 robot, which they will be doing in the next few weeks. They also successfully got the gyro function of the navX working, which will be essential for any programs to be run autonomously during the sandstorm period. The Raspberry Pi subteam have managed to get images streaming from the Pi to the SmartDashboard and are now working towards finetuning GRIP programs in order to automate a hatch placement program." Ellie: "I hate us" Chairman's The Chairman's team is making aamaaaaaaazing progress! They have finished a working essay that could be submitted right NOW! That being said they believe they can sharpen it up a little, plus we want to add a few things! They have also made a concrete decision on what they want this year's theme to be and how they'll implement it! It's extremely cool and fits this year's aesthetic perfectlyyyyyy! Dariya and Lex have also started doing Dance Brainstorm Sessions where they express what topics they would like to include while showing off their best moves! These girls are ahead of year's previous and they're on track to making this season reach the stars! Misc. *More bullet points, yay!
Now that's all for this week, see you all next time! We're the 433 Firebirds and you're watching Disney Cha--. Whoops, wrong place, sorry! We're the 433 Firebirds and we're blasting off into DEEP SPACE! Follow Us on Social Media! Youtube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: firebirds433
Hello blog! Welcome to Deep Space Week 2! I'll keep this intro short as we go into what we've been up to this week! Also keep an eye out for our new Build Season Vlog which will be coming out soon!
Sadly, we had final exams this week so our shop was closed from last Saturday to this Thursday. We've been sure to make up lost time by getting right back into shop though! This Friday we had our annual Quizzo event, a trivia night we host. We not only do 10 rounds of trivia, but we raffle off baskets and do 50/50! This year our very own Mr. Palac won the 50/50! We thank everyone who made this night through donating baskets and sponsoring the event. Also, a huge shout out to our school, the Mount Saint Joseph Academy, who always allow us to hold this event and to Mrs. Gregori who is the main reason this night runs so smoothly! Build Update: Our builders have made A LOT of progressive this past week. We have:
Chairman's Update: Though I could update you all on Chairman's in long winded bullet points, our amazing Business Vice President and head Chairman's girl Dariya best explains it, "Hard at work this week, the Chairman's team finished the first draft of the essay! (This is the fastest they've finished it in a couple of years, so they're very excited). Also they began planning their theme, let's just say, stars are aligning for this to be a perfect presentation. *winky emoji & star emoji*" Programming Update: Since we discovered other people write much better paragraphs than I do, we now have our lovely President and Head Programmer Kate talk a little bit more about the work on the programming side, "For the past two years, our programming team has been functioning under a philosophy we like to call, 'Type now, research (maybe) later.' This year, our programmers are taking a different route. With the new challenges of the Sandstorm Period and vision processing, Junior and Senior Programmers have been researching extensively and have succeeded in getting their Raspberry Pi up and running. Now they are working toward both displaying image streams on the SmartDashboard and processing images using GRIP. The sophomores and Freshman Programmers this week upgraded a past robot to run with 2019 FRC code. They now have that robot running basic autonomous program with two cameras for our drivers to use when simulating the sandstorm period. They have also begun to experiment with a few different types of sensors to determine which ones we want to use on our 2019 robot. Gooo Programming!" Important Media Update!!! STARTING TODAY WE ARE DOING A 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! We will be posting every Monday through Friday a throwback photo starting from 1999 all the way to 2019! So make sure to keep an eye on our Instagram (@firebirds433) and share it with all your friends! So that is all my birdies! We hope to see you next week! Keep building and don't go crazy as we start Week 3! Follow Us on Social Media! Youtube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: firebirds433 Heeeellllooooooooo! Welcome back to the happiest place on earth! Since Week 1 is officially over, we NEED to fill you guys in on what we’ve done this year! So let’s start!
Since we’ve covered girlPOWER and most of September we’ll start with October! October
This is just the beginning of the amazing things that happened since we’ve been gone! Now that Week 1 is at a close, we sadly will not be in shop for a little while due to Finals being this week, BUT we will be back on Thursday! And meanwhile, we are prepping for our annual Quizzo Fundraiser which is this Friday! If you haven’t gotten a table there’s still time left or if you would like to make a donation to the event feel free to reach out! Good luck to all the other teams and we can’t wait to Blast Off into DEEP SPACE! *Remember to watch our new vlog!* Vlog: Follow Us on Social Media! Youtube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: firebirds433 |